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Bishop Thomas Grant School

Sixth Form Alumni

BTG Alumni Discuss Their Experiences of Oxbridge Applications



Completed A Levels in BTG in 2021

Currently in her final year studying French at Lincoln College, Oxford

What was your experience of the application process like?

 The application process was long, but I was greatly supported by my teachers. Oxbridge applications have to be sent in much earlier (i.e. Mid-October), so my personal statement was drafted and edited quickly compared to other students. It was cathartic to be able to express my love for my A-Level subjects, while stating how that would translate with the degree I applied for. 

Interview and entry exam preparation was extremely rigorous! I had free periods every Friday afternoon, which I spent either revising for the MLAT (Modern Languages Admission Test), or having practise interviews with people that my teachers had thought it best to match me with, so that I had that same sense of unfamiliarity that I would have felt when doing my two Oxford interviews.

My Friday afternoons were also spent with my French teacher (Mme Wilkinson) and Mr Bull - our Oxbridge consultant, which was great for preparation. Mrs Lavelle (our UCAS coordinator) was amazing in providing moral support and logistical matters when applying to university. I am truly indebted to their collective effort in getting me to do the degree I love, today! 

Is there anything you wish you had done earlier in preparation for applying to university?

 I wish I had a better understanding of what colleges were! I was so set into just 'getting into Oxford' that I had not considered where I would like to live/which community I would join for the next four years of my life. Either way, things worked out for the best because I was pooled into a different college to what I applied for, and I do prefer Lincoln! I would also say have a thorough look at what your syllabus entails. I originally applied for a dual honour because I thought doing the 'sole' version of that degree meant that the modules would not completely satisfy my interests, but I could not have been more wrong! I am, in fact, relieved to study a single honour degree as opposed to a dual.

What course did you decide to study?

 I applied for French and Philosophy but got accepted for French. What enticed me the most was that a languages degree afforded me a year abroad, which in Oxford, is a maximum of 15 months (but you must do 6)! I spent 8 months as an English Language assistant in Versailles (just west of Paris) but lived in Paris. After that, I spent nine weeks in Guadeloupe, an archipelago in the French Caribbean. I loved both experiences and how impactful it has been for both my language skills and my confidence.


My course varies from medieval French right up to twentieth-century literature and translation. In first year, you study works from each time period, before deciding on modules that correspond to your favourite time modules in second and fourth years ("Final Honours School"). I opted for early modern (1500-1800) and modern (1715-) French modules mainly for its philosophical themes, especially when questioning the role of the French language as a tool in colonialism over that time. In second and fourth years, you also must write essays in French. These are marked to the same standard to that of a French university, so technique is vital in being able to master such a skill. I also revisited some authors that I studied in A-Level in a more profound lens, leaving me with more questions that could be discussed in tutorials. French soloists have to take a medieval to modern French translation module in their final year, which is nerve-wracking at worst, and exciting at best!

What has your experience been like at university?

 The course, is of course, difficult, and it is very easy to get swept away by the amount of extra-curricular activities that you can be a part of, but it is manageable should you treat your degree as a '9-5' with some time to socialise after. Furthermore, I have loved my experience at university. Despite knowing it will always feel slightly daunting for me, as I was the only student from my cohort to have gotten in, I managed to find the best friends. The learning experience is much more rigorous and intense by virtue of smaller class ['tutorial'] numbers, but it allowed us students to bounce off each other when needed. The year abroad gave me time to res(e)t, which was much needed after burning out at the end of second year. 


Destiny, Lincoln College Oxford, September 2024



Completed A Levels at BTG in 2018

Studied Geography at Cambridge

What was your experience of the application process like?

 - My experience of the application process was very positive because of the help that is available at BTG thanks to the supportive staff who really go the extra mile, which I don’t believe is always available at other state schools. Due to the fact that I was still not 100% sure whether I wanted to go to Cambridge I didn't let myself worry too much about applying which is probably the reason I managed to get in! Its important to focus on it one step at a time and use the advice available to write a good personal statement early on so you can keep updating it and think of new things to put down or do some online courses to improve it. If you need to submit essays or examples of work then try to give answers which show your passion for the subject and an interest in specific aspects of it. I found it useful in my personal statement to focus on specific parts of the course that I was interested in and have read around, so it is worth doing some research on what topics the university covers. While the interviews are probably the most daunting aspect its important to stay relaxed about it - in my experience the colleges do a good job of making it a less scary process than you would expect. Luckily the sixth form team arranged mock interviews for us so we could at least get a feel of what a real interview may be like. While the questions may seem completely different to ones you are used to in your course they are designed to take you out of your comfort zone and show how you can think through a problem and explain your answer rather than being correct. 

Is there anything you wish you had done earlier in preparation for applying to university?

- I didn't really research the college system much and did an open application to Cambridge so I maybe would have taken more time to understand the differences between colleges and look more at the course details to know whether it was really right for me. However, there is a lot of information on the internet and vlogger style videos about university which aren't necessarily representative of everyone's experience so there are limits to how much that will tell you. It would have been useful to go to an open day or make contact with someone doing the course or at the college to ask more questions about the workload and social life.

What course did you decide to study?

- Geography- I've personally found Geography to be a good mix of practical skills, a bit of science in the first year and now I have focused on the human geography topics I am more interested in. Its a very social subject which I have found to be an important part of enjoying the course and getting involved in university life. I studied Geography, History and English at A level because I am stronger at essay writing and have found the content in all of them useful in my current studies.

What has your experience been like so far at university?

- I have hugely enjoyed my time at Cambridge. It has been a great place to study and live, is a lot more social than you would expect and I have managed to find a good balance of work and college life. The college system makes it easy to get involved with a lot of sports and have a good social life and there are some amazing opportunities on offer. While Oxbridge has lots of quirks, I have found these to be enjoyable and accessible to someone from a state school. The university is doing a lot of work to improve access to people from different backgrounds and, while I was worried about the workload and not having a traditional student experience, any university experience will be what you make of it. That being said, Oxbridge may not be right for everyone depending on the course you want to do- the 8 week terms are quite short and can be quite stressful with a lot of essays and supervisions. It is a great place to challenge yourself and push your boundaries, meet some great people and study at an amazing place, however the teaching style is very specific and may not suit your personal needs.  








Completed A Levels at BTG in 2016

Studied History at Cambridge

What was your experience of the application process like?

My experience of the application process to Cambridge was quite long and drawn out but as it was done in stages it didn’t feel too difficult and was quite manageable alongside A Level work. My teachers were all very understanding and supportive when I was going through the process and helped me to manage my work on top of my preparation. Mr Bull, the schools Oxbridge consultant, also helped me a lot through each stage so I didn’t ever feel confused or overwhelmed. 

Is there anything you wish you had done earlier in preparation for applying to university?

If there was anything I wish I could have done earlier in preparation it would be to have had a clearer understanding earlier on of which University (Oxford or Cambridge) I was going to choose as well as which College I wanted to apply for. As each University has a different application process and each College has different requirements in terms of whether you have to submit work or sit tests before the interview stage, this would have helped me to start the preparation or the work earlier, making it easier to balance with my studies. 

To help with this decision, I would look at how your course differs at each University and make your decision based on which one you think holds more of your interests or you’d find more enjoyable. To decide between Colleges, each College has a different ethos and they’re usually quite clear on their websites about this so I would do some reading on each and choose one you feel aligns with your personality, as well as what their accommodation provides. For example some Colleges in Cambridge still don’t have fully equipped kitchens so you would have to buy all of your food or just microwave everything!

What course did you decide to study?

I studied History at Cambridge, which I thoroughly enjoyed. Whilst there were compulsory components to the course which made it quite Eurocentric in the first couple of years, such as having to take at least one British History paper, one European History paper and one pre-1725 paper, there were also a range of other papers to choose from as well as a range of topics within each paper, so I was able to choose subjects which interested me. Contact hours for history are quite low so there’s a lot of time that you have to manage for yourself but if you’re interested in what you’re reading about its enjoyable. 

What has your experience been like so far at university?

I really enjoyed my time at Cambridge, it was a lot of work and it was challenging to acclimatise to but it was also a very valuable and unique experience. Whilst there is a lot of work there is also a lot of opportunity to socialise and meet people, there’s many societies and clubs you can join and so much to do outside of your studies. 



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