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Bishop Thomas Grant School


Bishop Thomas Grant School is a voluntary aided school in the trusteeship of the Archdiocese of Southwark.  The school is conducted by its governing body as part of the Catholic Church and seeks at all times to be a witness to Jesus Christ.  The school seeks primarily to serve the Catholic community.  Admission is normally restricted to committed and practising baptised Catholic children who have one or both parents who are also committed members of the Catholic Church.  However, the Governing Body welcomes applications from further afield, and subject to the availability of places, from parents of children of other denominations and faiths who support the religious ethos of the school.

The admission of pupils to the School is the responsibility of the Governing Body, who will admit up to 180 girls and boys into Year 7 each year.  This number is set and approved by the DFE, and in determining the roll, the governors will not admit pupils in excess of this number where such admissions would prejudice the provision of effective education or the efficient use of resources.

In making an application to the school, prospective parents must complete a Common Application Form (CAF) issued by the local authority in which they reside.  This must be returned to that Local Authority by their published deadline.  Prospective parents must also complete a Supplementary Information form which is issued by the school.

Please use the links to the right to select the page relevant to your childs admission.

To contact the admissions team please email admissions@btg-secondary.lambeth.sch.uk.




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